Green heating and cooling for every organisation
Cooling and heating your building in a sustainable and affordable way? It is not a pipe dream anymore. With its geothermal installations, IFTech makes eco-friendly heating and cooling accessible for every company or organization. Our solution does not rely on natural gas and is an affordable way to obtain an optimal indoor climate for your workspace. Furthermore, we also fully rid our clients of any worries concerning the installation process. We research, develop, install and maintain geothermal energy installations. We can assist our clients on every front with our expertise ranging from feasibility studies to the monitoring and optimization of the installation. We deliver a full service during the construction of your geothermal energy system.
IFTech is your highly experienced design & build partner for geothermal energy systems both locally and abroad!
What is geothermal energy?
Heating in winter with summer heat and cooling in summer with winter cold.
Geothermal systems use the earth as a storage system for warmth and cold. In winter, this system will pump up the warmth from beneath the earth’s surface to heat your building, whereas in summer, the process is reversed to cool the building.

Geothermal energy provides a high financial return
Not only is seasonal energy storage sustainable and ecological, it also provides a high financial return for heating as well as cooling. We guarantee a stable energy cost throughout the whole lifecycle of your geothermal energy installation!